Saturday, January 2, 2016

Shelfie | January 2016

As promised, here is a updated shelfie picture of my library. I did a major unhauling of books back in December and my shelves are now looking rather depleted as a result. However, that does not upset me in the least as all of the books on my shelves are now books that I have already read and now cherish as personal favorites, or they are books that I have not yet read but find myself incredibly excited to read and explore. My library is smaller now, but it is more personal as a result.
And guys, a lot of these fantasy series that I will be reading this year are trilogies and series ... so if I enjoy them enough that I would like to own them, then my bookshelves will begin to fill up once more. I'm just going to be very selective about the books that I purchase.

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