Friday, September 18, 2015

Rain Rain Go Away

It has been down pouring rain the past two days here in Iowa. Apparently there have been two attempted deliveries made during those two days but because I was gone at work during those attempts, and because it was raining, the packages were not left at my house as usual (my deck is not covered, therefore not providing any protection against the weather). I could have stopped at the post office to pick up my packages during my lunch break today if I had known, but alas I did not. One of the packages is from Book Depository, and the other two are from Amazon and contain items for my home library. It's a surprise that you guys may see in pictures if these packages are delivered tomorrow, or possibly picked up at the post office by me. A hint, I have been redecorating my library and changing up the look of it. I am so impatiently awaiting the arrive of these three packages, how will I ever sleep tonight?!


  1. You can get a large covered garbage can and leave it on the porch with a note for deliveries. ;)

    1. I may have to do that! However I did leave out some garbage bags for the mailman to place the boxes inside of, but I don't think that he even bothered to come to the house just left the notice in my mailbox. :P

    2. You'll have to wake up early to get to the post office tomorrow!

    3. I woke up early in order to do just that but all of the packages were already outside waiting for me! It was just like Christmas morning!
